Documenting the code journey of this site
Changes by Tom

November 2024
- Upgrade to Eleventy v3.0.0
- Switch to ESM from CJS for internal configuration files
- Eleventy Image now available natively, but not yet integrated
June 2024
- A design overhaul with more structured layout and componentised approach, this time designing Figma-first (not browser-first)
- New art direction with tighter branding elements.
- New experiments, including GSAP integration, JS-based animations, CSS Grid layouts, and soon, use of Eleventy Images.
- It feels like a miracle to get this released, having dropped web development for over 6 months in late 2023.
April 2023
- Upgrading to Eleventy 2.0.0 brings a new i18n (internationalisation) plugin to the mix.
- Groudwork for i18n requires transitioning most pages into layout templates and partials, with content moved to JavaScript data files and new logic added to config.
- Pagespeed challenge: aiming for full marks requires numerous optimisations — far too many to list here.
- Upgraded blog with native 'like' support powered by Firebase and experimental sharing via the Web Share API. Added new Content Security Policy headers.
March 2023
- Newly launched using Eleventy (11ty), a static site generator known for its fast build times and relies on Node.js and npm package manager.
- Like the name suggests, 11 templating languages are supported out of the box. I rely mainly on Markdown
(for handling blog content) and Nunjucks*.njk
(for handling partials and templates), besides*.html
. - Code changes are pushed to Github which commands Netlify to rebuild the site each time i.e. continuous deployment. Cached and served by Cloudflare.
- Full writeup on the technical stack coming soon.
Jan 2023
- Multi-page Site: Newly pushed and now with centralised CSS shared across pages.
- Features: main changes include fixes to my personal timeline, handling of file extensions, and deploying wider use of CSS grid and flexbox.
- Domain management was moved to Cloudflare and, piggybacking their free email offering, further adding free SMTP support via Sendinblue.
Dec 2022
- Public launch under my own domain, connected to Github.
- Connected to Cloudlflare's CDN for better global distribution and more granular caching controls.
- Features: Several new style experiments in terms of animation and AI-generated imagery.
Summer 2022
- Single Landing Page: simple layout with multiple
sections that animate on-and-off screen, simulating a web app-like multi-page site. - Environment setup: setting up git, Github and new repositories. Switching from Sublime Text to Visual Code Studio.
- Switched domain registrar from Mailchimp to Porkbun for more granular DNS control.